What is FAR Infrared Therapy?

Far Infrared Ray (FIR) are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, which penetrate the surface of the skin where they gently and elevate the body's surface temperature to 107.6F/42C and above, positively activating body systems and functions.

Far Infrared does much more than just heat you up. It surrounds your body and penetrates the skin, joints and muscles.  FIR helps to build a stronger immune system, better cardiovascular health, and speeds up the healing process for soft tissue injuries such as tears, pulls, and sprains. It enhances oxygen flow and increases circulation. In addition, Far Infrared heals scars, wounds, and cuts and rejuvenates skin texture and appearance by lessening coarseness and reducing pore size.

Think of all these anti-aging, therapeutic benefits in one FIR heated yoga class! 

Just a few of the many benefits you will receive at your next heated yoga class with us at Sōl!

Just a few of the many benefits you will receive at your next heated yoga class with us at Sōl!