Foundations of Ayurveda Workshop

This 2-day introduction to Ayurveda is a stand-alone workshop for those interested in learning about the Science of Life, and builds the foundation for the 200 hour Swastha Yoga Teacher Training.

Learn the basics of Ayurveda – a comprehensive medical science that describes the relationship between our body, mind and environment. Discover what makes you YOU and potentially shapes the way you take on life. Ayurveda believes that every experience is an opportunity to learn more about yourself, discover what types of food and lifestyle practices can easily throw you off balance and find out what it would take to find it again.

Cultivating the awareness to listen to our body is the first step in learning the art of living well; creating a newfound vigor and vitality that you might never have even known you were missing!

In this workshop you will:

  • Understand your own constitution, as well as your current state of imbalance.

  • Learn practices that will balance and support your constitution.

  • Understand how digestive fire determines levels of toxicity and disease.

  • Participate in yoga and effective daily living practices that support immunity and replenish vitality.

Saturday, September 9: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday, September 10: 8:00am - 4:00pm

$149 investment - includes workshop, hand-outs and immeasurable goodness!