Instagram Gratitude Challenge

Join us over the next 15 days, Nov 16-30, as two Sol instructors, Rachel Wester and Alicia Love help guide you through a Gratitude Challenge. We encourage you to commit to all 15 days, or jump in and out as you choose.

Every day Rachel or Alicia will post an asana (pose), and share why that asana makes them feel grateful. We invite all of you to do the same...

Simply post a photo of you in the same pose, and tell us why you’re grateful for the asana (how do you feel in the pose? What does it spark inside of you?). Modifications are always welcome, and if the daily asana doesn’t speak to you on that day, choose a similar pose.


  • use #gratefulsol in your post,
  • tag @solyogacollective and a friend you're grateful for
  • mention at least 1-2 reasons why the asana makes you feel grateful.

We look forward to seeing you on your mat!

There is no cost to join this challenge and prizes will be awarded! 

Please get yourself ENROLLED so we can communicate easily with our tribe when it comes time to announce the prize winners.