At this time of year, we allow gratitude to enter our hearts for all we are and all we have. That starts with gratefulness to be part of this amazing collective of human beings, all dedicated to health and community. Every person in Sol Yoga Collective contributes to the life of the larger Black Hills neighborhood. Our daily practice of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, allows us to receive the blessings of our world and to pass them on.
We start with thankfulness for the world we live in. We have some of Mother Nature’s most beautiful places and anytime we feel disconnected from joy, we’re just steps from the foothills, from fresh growing sage, and flocks of wild turkeys and the waters that support and nourish us. Even in winter, we can revel in the beauty around us, and the good neighbors we share this corner of the planet with.
Thankfulness also extends to our bodies, being grateful to hike, to walk, to run, and to maintain our yoga practice. And so it is challenging when physical limitations prevent us from the movement that enhances our lives. What can we do when our yoga practice has to shift for physical injury, disability or limitation, or pain?
Chair Yoga.
Chair Yoga is a modified practice that can be done sitting in a chair. It makes yoga accessible to those with decreased mobility, or who cannot stand or comfortably be on the floor, and it’s also just a great practice for those who do desk work.
If you think Chair Yoga means a very simple yoga practice however, that isn’t necessarily so! You would be amazed at how many positions can be reached while doing Chair Yoga including:
Cat Cow
Raised Hands Pose
Forward Bend
Extended Side Angle
Pigeon Pose
Eagle Pose
Spinal Twist
Warrior I
Warrior II
Reverse Warrior
And of course, Savasana
And there are many benefits of Chair Yoga beyond the simple mechanics of necessity.
You can do Chair Yoga anywhere, even if you don’t have a mat or practical floor space.
Chair Yoga can improve our breathing habits, help with stress reduction, improved sleep and even stronger muscle tone.
Chair Yoga is particularly good for spinal strengthening for anyone with decreased mobility or recovering from an injury. You get the stability and support of the chair behind you.
Chair Yoga is also excellent if weight gain has prevented you from enjoying your yoga practice, and an exceptional modality for seniors - which is why you’ll find it offered at many retirement centers.
Chair Yoga is great for those undergoing physical therapy after surgery, and helps combat symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Chair Yoga is all about adaptability and therefore it is for anyone who needs it, temporarily or permanently. Yoga is a gift for everyone, and nobody – no matter their limitation – should feel like it’s inaccessible to them.
Please join us for Chair Yoga on the first and third Monday of each month at Rapid City Public Library. Pull up a chair. And let’s be thankful together that yoga offers something for each of us.