If the first answer to that question isn’t “my life” then Sōl Yoga Collective has a challenge for you:
Loving our lives means accepting who we are, what we have accomplished, and feeling passionate about the journey we are on. We happen to think you’re pretty darn loveable, and we want you to be absolutely in love with your life.
Now you’ll notice that we didn’t ask the question “what PART of you do you most love?” That question often encourages thoughts of the parts that we DON’T love the most about ourselves, splitting us between the ‘good’ and ‘not so good’ parts of our body and self. We don’t want you to judge who you are, we want you to LOVE all of you and we have a suggestion for how to do that:
Meditation. We challenge you to get on your mat every day for the next two weeks, to do at least 15 minutes daily of yoga, and to finish in lotus position, in meditation, and in pursuit of loving yourself fully. If prayer is asking for guidance, meditation is listening fully. It allows us to receive, in answer to our prayers. So every day after yoga, sit in silence and stillness. Feel all the parts of your body, and all the emotions that flow through you. Think of yourself as the whole package, and find joy and passion in the fullness of who you are and who you are becoming.
Yoga and meditation are partners in the pursuit of passion. Yoga brings blood throughout the body, helps improve your immune system, strengthens your core, restores your breath, enhances your digestive system, brings you into harmony with better health, tests your limits, and lights a fire within your being. Meditation allows you to absorb the full experience of yoga, to take in all the benefits of yoga and offers a clarity to find solutions.
Yoga and meditation together gives you the space to think about your passions and the fuel to carry them forward. What have you always wanted to do?
For some of you, the answer simply was to have a regular yoga practice, to move your body in a healthy way, and to feel more alive in the space you inhabit.
For others, your dreams expand far beyond your yoga mat and yet, that time on your mat can be highly encouraging in helping you find your passion and fulfill it.
Feeling passionate about your life starts with really feeling all of your life – the highs and lows and in-betweens. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – take stock in who you are and feel the love. Let it fuel you and flow over you.
So tell us, what is it that is currently lighting your fire?!