Spring arrives soon and here in the Black Hills, we are thankful for the flora and fauna that shows up to welcome the new season! But with all these trees and plants in bloom, you might be noticing some trouble with your sinuses. Would you believe that yoga can help alleviate those symptoms?
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. When you encounter allergens in the environment such as pollen, molds and some tree saps, your sinuses become irritated and clog up. Allergic sinusitis can be alleviated through a consistent yoga practice and it’s never too late to begin!
First – did you know that you are likely to develop some allergies as you get older, as you encounter plants that are not native to where you grew up? So anyone who is a transplant to South Dakota may suddenly find themselves experiencing seasonal allergies when they never had before. From cottonwoods to pine pollen, molds and even grasses, if you suddenly find yourself dealing with environmental allergies, you are not alone – and there is help.
Good positions to help relieve sinus pressure include Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Ardha Halasana (supported Half-Plow Pose) and Eka Pada Savarganasa (Plow Pose with one leg up, one leg down) are all excellent positions to help open up those sinuses and get relief. As you remain in the position, blood circulates into stagnant areas, to clear away blocked passageways and move breath easily.
It is recommended to avoid hot yoga when your sinuses are super inflamed, so that they don’t become more irritated.
Once you have opened up the passageways and your sinusitis is over, you can also maintain a regular practice of headstands and inversions, to keep your respiratory system strong and healthy.
Most importantly, regular yoga supports the body’s immune system so that when you do develop sinusitis, it doesn’t lead to infections.
Other ways to support your immune system and sinuses include herbal tea with local (very important!) honey in the spring. Local honey, made by bees sampling those very same plants in our region, give you the much needed antidote to many environmental allergens. Deep breathing exercises (during yoga, meditation or anytime) also help strengthen your respiratory system.
And neti pots are also a great way to clean out your sinuses. Use a neti or a plastic squeeze bottle full of salt water (you can also purchase pre-measured saline packets). A neti pot is highly effective at flushing out the sinuses, relieving pressure, and preventing infection.
Want more positions to support your health? Ask your yoga instructors during your next class at Sōl!